2 min readOct 9, 2021

I would like to talk about Elidor’s ad. Women’s national volleyball team player Ebrar played in advertisements of Elidor. It had a great attraction for everybody. Meanwhile this ad was also talked about negatively.

I always say that if you are using a celebrity person in the ads, you should pay attention to whether it is compatible with the brand or not. Unfortunately the advertisers In Turkey use this kind of people in a short period of time. This situation negatively influences the quality of advertising.

But please don’t get me wrong I also think that we can still use those popular persons in ads too but you should be careful to whether it is compatible with the brand and product or not. You should aim your target and make progress in this way. In this case the advertising agency wanted to take advantage of Ebrar’s popularity. We should give the agency credit for it, because she was very popular when the Olympic games were being played and she still is.

On the other hand, the person — you know who- talked about Ebrar’s sexual orientation. Those unconscious people revealed that history repeats itself in Turkey
and the same way of thinking never ends.

Another main point is the success in sports. Ebrar hit the jackpot in the last tournament and set up an example for many young sportspeople. She gathered attention to volleyball, which is not a very popular sport in our country. The country has become one like never before thanks to these successful game changers.

İf we examine this case in a professional manner we can say that in this ad content and message are having intercompatibility. Content manager did a great job. Ebrar was also so good as an actress and she gave us a spectacular performance. Her pink hair was an iconic image for the brand and product. Meanwhile the catchword ‘dedim olabilir` can stick in the mind. Contrary, every ad doesn’t have an aim to sell. It can have an intent to set up a brand awareness. In this ad we can say nothing because we don’t have any sales figures from the brief yet. But my opinion is that it’s gonna be so good after all the positive feedback comes from the audiences.

As a result, the advertisement of Elidor from Ebrar showed us that you should be careful about whether it is compatible with the brand and product or not. İn this case they are too compatible and successful at brand positioning.

